The Depravity of Entitlement

The Depravity of Entitlement

I have heard numerous times that Jesus' death determines our value, and that we are as valuable as the price paid for us. One example was that no one would pay $100,000 for a $20,000 car because the car isn't worth it, therefore the blood of Jesus wouldn't be spent on people who were not worth it. I couldn't disagree more...

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"Teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you"

"Teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you"

As many continue to teach that the moral law bears no weight on the believer and that Jesus' words were old covenant words (therefore not applicable to us) it seems even more important to stop and consider what it is we have been commanded to do. I firmly believe that orthodoxy leads to orthopraxy, that right belief will powerfully lead us into right living...

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